Monday, 23 December 2013

Merry CRAM Christmas & A Happy New Year

Very Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year!

It has been a very busy and exciting first year for CRAM, hence the very occasional mail out!

Most importantly a huge thanks for all interest in this project, in attending concerts, listening and of course to all performers and recording artists so far.

After the early releases last Winter/Spring of Compost & Transit Check, we followed up with two autumn launches and an exciting new collaboration.


It was thrilling to announce the releases of these recent albums available on CD & as a download here:


Javier Carmona - solo percussion

Dark Voices
Lawrence Upton (voice) & Benedict Taylor (viola)
(graphic scores Upton)

Check out these albums at the CRAM Bandcamp site here:


In early November, 9 artists....

Steve Beresford, Tom Jackson, Daniel Thompson, Miya, Terry Day, Stephen Crowe, David Leahy, Benedict Taylor & Javier Carmona!!!

....travelled to Usurp Art Space the excellent venue/gallery curated by Poulomi Desai, where they played a concert of three trios. It was a superb night and one which starts an ongoing collaboration between Usurp & CRAM.
See more about Usurp here:


As a teaser, two confirmed releases for 2014 will be the ace duos of:

Anton Mobin & Roberto Lazzarino,


John Russell & Phil Minton


Keep up with all CRAM albums, artists & news here:

or tweets:


